Organic Wines
As an organic wine partner, SOFRALAB, which is constantly evolving to meet the expectations of the market, current and future, had to invest in the ORGANIC wine movement.
“Green Care Alliance” Label launched in …… represents this willingness to assist the makers of organic wines with a specific oenological offer.
Since the beginnings of the new European organic wine regulation, Station Œnotechnique de Champagne® has invested in the winemakers using organic grapes and put new solutions in place for its customers.

Our range now offers two certified
ORGANIC specialities:
Station Œnotechnique de Champagne® has undertaken to reference its oenological products for their use in organic winemaking in line with European Council Regulation UE 2018/848 – UE 2021/1165 and the U.S. NOP regulation with ECOCERT.
The printout of this list is a sufficient guarantee during audits if it is accompanied by the warranty on the invoice.
And this referencing officially informs our customers about referenced products and simplifies their administrative duties during audits.
Station OEnotechnique de Champagne®, part of SOFRALAB’s brand holdings, is part of this initiative as it offers adapted oenological products.